The Man Cave. The room where you display all your treasured possessions and do whatever pleases you. It used to be called your Bachelor’s Pad, but then you got married, so now it's just a room.
Ah, but what a room it is. Or could be. If you have the means, I highly recommend creating one.
However, if you aren’t lucky enough to have a Man Cave just yet, one can certainly dream and plan ahead for when the day finally comes.
Read on to discover some epic ways us big blokes can optimise our Man Caves to suit our unique lifestyles and personalities.
Go big and stay home
Paleolithic Caveman: Where the Man Cave all started
Because of the Coronavirus Lockdown, there has never been a better time in human history (apart from the Palaeolithic Era) to style our Man Caves for maximum comfort and cool!
A big man’s Man Cave should be the place he goes regularly to not only escape but to relax and recreate himself. It should be a place where he feels most at ease with his surroundings. It should be a place where his worries of the outside world fade away.
On this note, there are a few essential steps to tricking out one’s Man Cave to make it the envy of your mates.
Big up your space
Using an old steamer trunk as a coffee table. Badass.
Storage. It might seem like it’s just a thing The Block judges obsess about. However, for us big blokes, good storage in our Man Cave is a must. We bigger guys tend not to only live life more fully, we also like it on our terms. So we accumulate a lot of stuff. Important stuff, mind you. Stuff that we never want to throw out (despite the advice of our nearest and dearest). Because it may come in handy. One day.
Well-designed furniture that doubles as storage space is going to be your go-to. Using an old steamer trunk as a coffee table not only looks badass but also functions as a nifty way to store those Man Cave items you want out of sight. Alternatively, if you’re handy you might want to source yourself a plan drawer and fashion it into a coffee table for that industrial look.
Make a big statement
Masculine statement piece: Animal skulls
Still have your sporting trophies from yesteryear? Don’t keep them hidden away any longer. It’s time to put the paraphernalia collected in your halcyon days of youth on display. Movie posters, deer antlers, musical instruments, even skateboards can make an impressive statement piece to show off your personality.
Adding a statement piece to your big man’s Man Cave will acts as a great conversation starter. Also, it will remind you of some of the important events of your life (so far).
Bright lights big colours
To ensure your Man Cave experience doesn’t leave you and your guests sitting in the dark, opt for lots of natural light. Furthermore, when it comes time to kick it at night, flick the switch on your tripod floor lamp to add a bit of designer cool to your cavern.
An assortment of great lamps, plus well positioned mirrors will really set the scene and make your retreat feel both expansive and upscale. We big guys aim to be large and in charge in our lives at work. So, why settle for anything less when it comes to designing the most manliest Man Cave ever?
When it comes to colour, let your art do all the talking. Keep your interior colour tones subdued and largely monochromatic. A Man Cave is not the place for a periwinkle coloured feature wall. Instead, opt for a natural paint colour treatment for your walls. It’s ok to paint certain features, such as window frames, in darker tones. In fact, this kind of complementary colour scheme will give the appearance of uniformity and help trick the eye to perceive greater depth of space.
Adding in a colourful abstract, or even pop art piece, will give your visitors something to fix their gaze upon and make the room feel even larger again.
Making big moves
Surely if there was ever a time to start tricking out your Big Man Cave, it is now. Never before have we spent so much time at home. Whilst some blokes may be getting stuck into the gardening or lazing about in the lounge room, you are a man of distinction. You are a man who prefers to take their respite ensconced in the comforts of an abode you have fashioned for yourself. You are a big man who deserves an equally impressive Man Cave. So, what’s stopping you?
Leeky's Pub was built inside a shed on a three-quarter acre block in Churchill, Victoria, 12 years ago and gets used every day.
Yok's shed at Aberdare in the NSW Hunter Valley features an old bar he found at the back of the Royal Oak Hotel in Cessnock.
Mechanic Mick describes his shed in Melbourne as 'a religious temple for beer'; it features a a hoist so he can work on cars.
Mick built his shed around trusses he got from an old building site; the mechanic has run his own workshop for 22 years
A focal point of Mick's shed is a double-sided fireplace made from 8000 bricks - one half in the shed, the other in a side room.